Personalised feedback for every student, everyday
Elevate your feedback practice with quality teacher-trained AI that seamlessly supports your explicit teaching. Students enjoy highly differentiated feedback, while teachers gain immediate and powerful insights.
The art of great feedback
Connected to explicit teacher-led instruction
Specific and actionable, leads to next steps
Personalised to drive student agency
Timely; the more immediate the better
Supporting teachers, elevating students
Benefits for teachers
Develops a thriving learning environment that seamlessly connects teacher instruction to student feedback
Frees up quality time for one-on-one conferencing with students who need support or extension
Creates immediate and clear fluid groupings based on student capabilities
Provides immediate data on student work and capabilities that informs next steps in programming
Benefits for students
Accelerates high learning productivity through immediate, actionable feedback
Provides extra teacher time, and a text-to-voice option to assist ‘support’ students with lower reading capabilities
Delivers uncapped feedback to stretch ‘at grade’ and ‘extension’ students
Supports all students independent learning, developing strong agency and a continuous desire to grow
How it works
Teach a writing lesson
Excellent learning environments start with explicit lesson instructions. Educators start by selecting any writing lesson that suits the teaching and learning goals for the class.

Students login and type their work during independent practice
During the lessons, students will start independent writing; you may choose to have them start with a hand written task. When they are ready for real-time feedback, they can switch to laptops and access the lesson by clicking on the class link supplied by the teacher.
Students see real-time explicit feedback for every writing attempt
As students type their writing into Loomi, they receive real-time feedback in three stages: a ‘Glow’ highlighting their achievements against the lesson's learning intention; a ‘Grow’ guiding them on areas to focus on; a ‘Suggestion’ to support next steps.
Teachers see a live dashboard to indicate at a glance who’s got it, and who needs help in the moment
Teachers can instantly see which students have grasped the concept and who needs extra support. This allows teachers to allocate their time effectively, and use their professional judgement to take any clear action during the lesson.
All data is accessible 24/7, translating student practice into actionable insights
Following the lesson, all educators and school leaders can review student work, including feedback given, and whole school insights. These intuitive insights help to inform instructional strategies, intervention needs, professional development opportunities, and ultimately drive targeted improvement at pace.
Educators and students
This is amazing! It's like having another teacher in the classroom. It also solves a big problem for the 'coasters', who just get things to a basic level, but are not pushed because of lack of 1-1 time.

Sharley Kiesewetter
Assistant Principal
Bangalow Public School, NSW
Cleverbean has revolutionised my classroom. It's like having an assistant that never tires, providing engaging and tailored content for my students. Their excitement and progress have been remarkable since we started using it.
Year 6 Teacher

Cleverbean was soooooooo helpful because it noticed things I wouldn't have seen myself.
Year 4 student
Bangalow Public School, NSW

I LOVED using Cleverbean today to help my writing. I started with the sentence "Lucy is a preppy work lady" and ended up with "Lucy is a preppy work lady, she has the best outfits, she seems nice and has nice hair.
Year 5 Student
St Anthony's Catholic College, QLD
I LOVED using Cleverbean today to help my writing. I started with the sentence "I got a kitten" and ended up with "Because I wanted my own pet, I received a playful, white, fluffy kitten for Christmas."
Year 4 student
Bangalow Public School, NSW